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The dangers of having poor indoor air quality

When you stop to consider the fact statistics tell us Canadians spend almost all of their time indoors, it becomes obvious the quality of the air in our homes is a priority. While everyone needs to be concerned with air quality whether it’s at home, at work, or even in the classroom, there are a few groups that need to be especially aware for specific health reasons.

Those with suppressed immune systems, allergies or asthma are particularly susceptible as are children and people with lung diseases. Of course, you need to be aware of the sources of indoor air contaminants and these are classified as either biological like the dander from pets, or chemical like carbon monoxide and even second hand smoke.

Being aware of the symptoms that affect your health in important. While coughing and sneezing can mean that you’ve caught a virus or cold, these two factors can also mean you’re dealing with poor indoor air quality.

Other aliments include dizziness and nausea, as well as nose, throat and even eye irritation. One quick way to determine if there is an issue is by comparing the air inside and outside of your home. If your symptoms clear up dramatically when you stay away from home for a short or longer period of time, the issue could very well be with the air quality inside your residence.