Dear Curious Homeowner

**This Promotion has expired. To see our current offer, go to our Promotions Page!

Yes, it is absolutely true. You can actually replace your old(and probably very inefficient) furnace and air conditioner as a package for at least $1400 less than you have to pay any other time.

Let us Explain…..we had a fantastic summer this year. You must have spent enough money to enjoy every bit of it. Some of your furnaces and air conditioners might not be working that efficiently though! You folks must be thinking to live with it for the rest of this summer or planning to change your furnaces before winter. This might cause a slow down in my business. In order to keep my highly trained installers busy during this transition period I had to come up with a “No Brainer” that could get you off the fence to call me now instead of waiting until next year!

Here Is The Deal

40% off our Best High-Efficiency Furnaces and Air Conditioners.

Get $500 cash trade-in for your old, inefficient air conditioner!

FREE 10 Years Parts & Labour Warranty ($299 each). You won’t pay a penny for any repair for the next 10 years

FREE Caribbean Trip for two. No need to win. Truly it’s FREE

Receive $650 Rebate from OPA

Ask for for Details

HURRY! Remember, I only have decided to offer these huge discounts to only 33 Homeowners to catch up with my business.When they are sold we’ll return to our normal pricing. Don’t wait until next year to replace your heating and cooling system.


So, please call FURNACE KING Heating and Cooling at 905-564-5464

Pros and Cons of Toronto bidding to Host 2024 Summer Olympics

City officials are looking at the pros and cons of Toronto making a bid to host the 2024 Summer Games. A report awarding the hosting country for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games is expected to be announced sometime in the spring.

In order for a country to fully prepare itself for the Summer Olympics, they need to focus on many different areas. The Olympics houses thousands of participating athletes who have trained for many years to make it to this one event and when they arrive they need a comfortable living environment with proper heating and cooling, along with healthy meals and areas to train.

Although hosting the Summer Olympics can be quite costly for a country considering the high cost of infrastructure, security, planning, environment, resources and many variables but still it is worth as it brings great value and opportunity. The Olympics not only increase the rate of tourism and publicity but the overall economy rises drastically. Hosting the Summer Olympics demonstrates the pride a country has and allows other countries to see its diversity.

Summer Is Not Over in Toronto

Taking a quick look at the weather gives us a great outlook for outdoor activities this weekend. Temperatures in and around the Toronto area are set to reach the high twenties to low thirties. This also means that your homes air conditioner will be getting a workout again. Now is a good time to check the unit outside and make sure no weeds, grass, or leaves are interfering with the fan or cooling coils.

Interference with your air conditioner tends to creep up though the summer as days get hotter and plants continue to grow. It’s best to ensure that your system remains in tip top shape by doing a little work and staying on top of your air conditioners maintenance.

Also, as the cooling season comes to an end HVAC companies tend to offload appliances and units at great deals. It is cheaper for us to sell a unit with a greater discount than store it for the winter in our warehouse. So when you’re outside within Toronto this weekend cleaning up around your air conditioner stop and take a look at it… If it looks like it’s straight from the 80’s then you should seriously think about an upgrade.

Air conditioner are significantly more efficient than they used to be, so give us a call and see what type of a deal you can negotiate with us. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Give us a Call anytime
905 564 5464
Remember, at Furnace King Quotes are always free